Lies, lies !!! Bloomberg article and the answer of an unemployed greek man

Ψέματα !!!  Άρθρο στο Bloomberg και η απάντηση από έναν Έλληνα άνεργο. Η μετάφραση στα ελληνικά εδώ. Migrants Stay Busy as Unemployed Greeks Spurn Menial Jobs Until a few days ago, the fields around the village of Nea Manolada in the Peloponnese were a hive of activity as thousands of immigrant workers picked the strawberries … Continue reading Lies, lies !!! Bloomberg article and the answer of an unemployed greek man

Slavery by consent. You’re being made to enjoy your servitude. Aldous Huxley

Ο Aldous Huxley προειδοποιούσε ήδη από το 1962 : «Μόνο ένα μεγάλο λαϊκό κίνημα υπέρ της αποκέντρωσης της εξουσίας και της αυτοοργάνωσης μπορεί να σταματήσει τη σημερινή τάση προς ολοκληρωτισμό. Ένα πραγματικά αποτελεσματικό ολοκληρωτικό κράτος θα είναι αυτό στο οποίο το ισχυρό  διευθυντήριο των πολιτικών αρχηγών και της στρατιάς των μάνατζερ ελέγχουν έναν πληθυσμό σκλάβων … Continue reading Slavery by consent. You’re being made to enjoy your servitude. Aldous Huxley

Special Economic Zones: Is it a matter of opinion or a matter of interest?

Comment: Dear Sir/Madam, I am R.B. from India. Presently I am pursuing my MBA in Germany. I am an Engineer by profession with 18 years of experience in Project/ Program management etc. in a leadership role. I have been studying the Greek crisis and it has been a big topic of discussion during this MBA. … Continue reading Special Economic Zones: Is it a matter of opinion or a matter of interest?

Shooting of Migrant Farm Workers in Nea Manolada

I woke up this morning to the shocking news of a shooting incident in Nea Manolada in which over 30 people were injured, several seriously. The victims were all migrant workers mainly from Bangladesh who work in the strawberry fields in the area. The workers had gathered (allegedly) to demand wages that had been unpaid for 6 … Continue reading Shooting of Migrant Farm Workers in Nea Manolada