The EU and the attack on European workers’ wages

Η ΕΕ και η επίθεση στους μισθούς των Ευρωπαίων εργαζομένων Five years after the Wall Street crash of September 2008, figures compiled by Britain’s House of Commons Library on wage rates in the 27-member European Union show that workers’ living standards have been thrown into sharp reverse. The statistics belie claims that the euro zone … Continue reading The EU and the attack on European workers’ wages

Lies, lies !!! Bloomberg article and the answer of an unemployed greek man

Ψέματα !!!  Άρθρο στο Bloomberg και η απάντηση από έναν Έλληνα άνεργο. Η μετάφραση στα ελληνικά εδώ. Migrants Stay Busy as Unemployed Greeks Spurn Menial Jobs Until a few days ago, the fields around the village of Nea Manolada in the Peloponnese were a hive of activity as thousands of immigrant workers picked the strawberries … Continue reading Lies, lies !!! Bloomberg article and the answer of an unemployed greek man

Health effects of Greece’s austerity measures are “worse than imagined,” report researchers

Sophie Arie London Greece’s severe economic crisis has had a substantially negative effect on public health that provides a warning for other countries faced with similar challenges, the authors of a report published in the American Journal of Public Health have said.1 Researchers at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece and the University of New Mexico in the … Continue reading Health effects of Greece’s austerity measures are “worse than imagined,” report researchers

“Troika”-Mandated Austerity and the Emerging Health Care Crisis in Greece: An Open Letter to the Greek Government

  “Troika”-Mandated Austerity and the Emerging Health Care Crisis in Greece: An Open Letter to the Greek Government   To the Prime Minister of Greece and President of New Democracy Party, Mr. Antonis Samaras To the President of PASOK, Mr. Evangelos Venizelos To the President of the Democratic Left, Mr. Fotis Kouvelis, To the Minister … Continue reading “Troika”-Mandated Austerity and the Emerging Health Care Crisis in Greece: An Open Letter to the Greek Government

Portraits of Greece in Crisis: a new documentary project

By Tamara van der Putten On March 28, 2013 Portraits of Greece in Crisis is a new series of documentaries about the Greek crisis created to fulfill the need for an alternative crisis narrative.   Press release via Portraits of Greece in Crisis is a series of independent and self-funded mini-documentaries about the Greek crisis. An ongoing project that was created … Continue reading Portraits of Greece in Crisis: a new documentary project

The EU Crisis Pocket Guide

2012 edition 6 November 2012 A useful pocket guide on how a crisis made in Wall Street was made worse by EU policies, how it has enriched the 1% to the detriment of the 99%, and outlining some possible solutions that prioritise people and the environment above corporate profits. EU Crisis Pocket Guide November 2012, … Continue reading The EU Crisis Pocket Guide

‘Screw the Troika’: Tens of thousands protest austerity measures across Portugal

Published time: March 03, 2013 00:55 People gather against government austerity policies at Lisbon's main square Praca do Comercio March 2, 2013 (Reuters / Hugo Correia) Hundreds of thousands of people flooded the streetsof Portuguese cities protesting austerity measures that the government hopes will help to avoid the bailout and lift the country out of … Continue reading ‘Screw the Troika’: Tens of thousands protest austerity measures across Portugal

Greece and Spain helped postwar Germany recover. Spot the difference

Sixty years ago, half of German war debts were cancelled to build its economy. Yet today, debt is destroying those creditors People exchanging food for tickets in 1923 Germany. 'Many, including Keynes, argued that [reparations imposed on Germany following the Versailles treaty] led to the rise of the Nazis and the second world war.' Photograph: … Continue reading Greece and Spain helped postwar Germany recover. Spot the difference

The only way-out: return to national currency

Within the euro, the Greek economy has no chance of recovery, let alone improvement Did you get the message? We either consent to the selling out and dissolution of the country, for the benefit of the euro, the lenders and the oligarchy that ravaged this country for decades, or they will return us to the … Continue reading The only way-out: return to national currency